
Photography Systems

We provide photo machines and software that automates high-volume photography for your eCommerce website or catalogue. Choose from our flexible studios for different uses whether it’s for still, 360 or 3D outputs.

Still Photography

Software driven photography studios for creating professional JPG/RAW still shots for eCommerce, business communications, and more.

Photobench 280 Light Box

2D PhotoBench 150



PhotoBench 120 Light Box

PhotoBench 120

ClothingPad Mini

ClothingPad Mini

360 Photography

Industry leading 360 product photography turntables and studios for creating 360 product view in-house, fast and efficiently.

PhotoCapture 360 Turntable

PhotoCapture 360

PhotoCapture 360M Turntable

PhotoCapture 360M

PhotoCapture 360L Turntable

PhotoCapture 360L

PhotoCapture 360XL Turntable

PhotoCapture 360XL

Infinity 360L Turntable

Infinity 360L

A very large photography turntable

PhotoCapture 360 Stage

Infinity 360M Turntable

Infinity 360M

PhotoBench 80 Air Jewellery Light Box

3D PhotoBench 80 Air

PhotoBench 80 Jewellery Light Box

3D PhotoBench 80

PhotoBench 280 Photography Light Box

3D PhotoBench 280

PhotoBench 140 Light Box

3D PhotoBench 140

PhotoCapture 360S Suspension

PhotoCapture 360S - Suspension

3D Photography

Create 3D product views with hemispherical and full spherical output with our systems.

MultiArm 2000 with 5 cameras mounted

3D MultiArm 2000

MultiArm 3000 with 5 cameras mounted

3D MultiArm 3000

MultiArm 4000 with 5 cameras mounted

3D MultiArm 4000

MultiArm R10 with 10 cameras mounted

3D MultiArm R10

Studio Solutions

Breakthrough computer-controlled LED studio lights for capturing products and lifestyle shots.

LiveStudio Lights on Stands

LiveStudio 6 Lights

360 Male Mannequin

Pro 360 Male

360 Female Mannequin

Pro 360 Female


Find the right fit for your needs. Select the right size for your product with the features you require, we can help you take the types of pictures you need.

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