
Unique Invisible Mannequins

Also known as “Ghost Mannequins”. Whichever term used, the ambition is the same, the hollow effect with the least amount of editing possible. When you can style clothing attractively without visible support, production increases. Less cutting out means more finished shots per day. Our Pro range gives you 5 different sets of arms . Each set is of a different length; there’s a set for T-shirts, short sleeved shirts, long sleeves , cap sleeves and outerwear. No other invisible mannequin gives you that amount of choice.

An image showing all the separate parts of a mannequin

One Mannequin for all your Items

To cater for a wide range of clothing, ghost mannequins are made up of multiple parts. 

These fill the clothing where it needs to be filled and leaves a void elsewhere. As clothes come in many different designs, the more flexibility your ghost mannequin has, the better. 

A jacket with a funnel neck needs a different shape to one with a crew neck, which needs a different one to a V neck, and again to a cardigan. 

In short, the more parts it breaks down into the better.

Benefits and Industry Use

A sporty blue women's jacket

Examples taken with our automated photography system

Using Ortery Capture software with LiveStudio Or Infinity Studio 4000 means you can control your lighting and camera settings together to speed up the photographing process for your business.

Used in conjunction with one of our turntables means you can create dynamic 360 views of your products, too.

6 Ghost Mannequins lined up and 6 examples of clothing photographed using them

Explore Our Range

Square Cut with Poles


Pro 360 with 5 Arms

Plus Size


Comes in either the Standard Base with wheels or Turntable with wheels and levels.

Top side of Mannequin base


Compatible Mannequins:

Underside of Mannequin Base


Top side of rotatable mannequin base

Turntable Top

Compatible Mannequins:

Underside of rotatable mannequin base

Turntable Underside


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Let us know. Whatever your industry, we can provide the right photography studio.

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