
About Us

As the UK distributors of world-renowned Ortery equipment, EME Digital have been at the forefront of digital image creation for ecommerce since 2007. Back then it was our robust and reliable range of just three PhotoStudios that offered consistently lit top and side shots. They automatically processed and edited the images so that they were ready for use on websites by using our proprietary software to give white backgrounds for still images.

Since then EME Digital has progressed from still photography, through 360 spins to spherical spins and 3D presentations. Our product range has blossomed to include a range of standalone turntables, and our PhotoStudios range from small highly configurable units for jewellery all the way up to large photostudios for photographing people. Our PhotoStudios are now endowed with integrated turntables, transparent turntables, automatic background removal, focus stacking and multi-zone LED lighting. Our software has also evolved and our new Capture software can simultaneously control multiple photostudios and cameras.

Throughout the expansion of our range and its capabilities we have maintained the twin goals of simplifying and automating product photography.

Reducing Cost through Simplification and Automation

We offer companies the means to de-skill and speed image production and we provide professionl photographers tools to add different type of imaging to their portfolio.



More Every Second

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Coming to our showroom, understanding how the software works and perhaps bringing a couple of your own products to test shoot is the best way to determine whether a system is right for you. As an alternative we offer live personalised webcam demos. Call 0208 987 2744 to book an appointment or discuss your project.


Studios 4 and 5
1110 Great West Rd 

Contact us

Tel: 020 8987 2744

Email: enquiries@emedigital.co.uk


A photography studio and showroom

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