Square Cut with Poles - Female

Our new design offers another choice to photographers of women’s fashion. With the option to use  just part of the midrift, standing on poles rather than the legs, it’s a great choice for shooting skirts, shorts, sportswear and underwear. 

  • Finished in Matte White to reduce glare.
  • Includes a wheeled base.
  • Square cut Removable Chest
  • Each mannequin is handmade with magnetised pieces to achieve a tight, smooth fit.

Compatible with Turntable Base


Benefits and Industry Use


To cater for a wide range of clothing ghost mannequins can be partially disassembled to produce various rigid shapes. These fill the clothing where it needs to be filled and leaves a void elsewhere. As clothing comes in so many different designs the more flexibility your ghost mannequin has the better.  

Our Square Cut Mannequin with Poles gives you the flexibility to configure the mannequin as a complete body or use just the top part, the midrift or the leg section.


Comes in either the Fixed Plate Stand with wheels or Manual Turntable with wheels and levels (+£100).

Top side of Mannequin base

Standard top

Underside of Mannequin Base

Standard underside

Top side of rotatable mannequin base

Turntable Top

Underside of rotatable mannequin base

Turntable underside


We have worked with businesses and organisations in all sorts of sectors shooting all sorts of items. Give us a call on 0208 987 2744 and  pick our brains.


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